Q: Do I need to submit a sample aid offer in order to have my commitment recognized by the CCT?
A: Yes, we encourage schools to submit their aid offer so we can confidentiality review it and work with a school if it doesn’t meet the principles and standards. 

Q: Who will see my aid offer if I submit? What’s the review process like?

A: Only CCT staff will see an aid offer that’s submitted. They will not be shared publicly unless explicitly asked for permission. A CCT staff person will review your submitted aid offer against the CCT standards. If the aid offer meets all the requirements, you will receive an acceptance acknowledgement and will be listed on the CCT website under institutional partners. If your aid offer does not meet the CCT standards, a CCT staff person will reach out to you with suggested revisions to come into compliance. If you decide to make those changes to your aid offer, you may resubmit for review. 

Q: When will my commitment be made public?
A: While we have begun outreach to institutions, there will be no public announcement regarding the CCT prior to September. Institutions will be recognized on our public-facing materials on the date their updated aid offers go into effect. If your current financial aid offers already align with CCT’s principles and standards, you will be listed on our website as soon as we have reviewed your submission.

Q: What is the most common mistake we should be looking out for on our aid offers before submitting? 
A: Not including Net Price or calculating Net Price incorrectly. Net price should be clearly labeled as such, and calculated by subtracting the total dollar amount of scholarships or grants the student has received from the total cost of attendance (direct and indirect costs).

Q: What can I do if I don't believe a school listed as a partner institution has an aid offer that meets the CCT principles and standards?
A: Please complete the anonymous form and a CCT staff member will reach out to the school in question.