The Task Force
The CCT Initiative was made up of the following leaders in the higher education space, as well as several members of the financial aid community:
Task Force Chair
- Ted Mitchell, President, American Council on Education (ACE)
Task Force Association Members
- Ted Mitchell President, American Council on Education (ACE)
- Angel Perez CEO, National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)
- Justin Draeger President & CEO, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
- Walter Bumphus President & CEO, American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
- Charles Welch President & CEO, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
- Barbara Snyder President, Association of American Universities (AAU)
- Mark Becker President, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)
- Barbara Mistick President, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)
- Nancy Zimpher Executive Director, National Association of System Heads (NASH)
- Robert Anderson President, State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO)
Task Force Subject Matter Experts & Technical Team
- Scott Cline Vice President of Enrollment Management and Auxiliary Services, California College of the Arts
- Alex DeLonis Assistant Vice President of Student Financial Services, Saint Louis University
- Billie Jo Hamilton Associate Vice President for Enrollment Planning and Management, University of South Florida
- Derek Kindle Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- JoEllen Price Dean of Financial Aid and Scholarships, San Jacinto College
- Phillip Levine Professor of Economics, Wellesley College & Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
- Terry Hartle ACE Senior Fellow & CCT Senior Advisor
- Megan Walter NASFAA Policy Analyst & CCT Program Director