Submit Your Institutional Commitment and Aid Offer
By completing and submitting the form below, your institution commits to use the CCT Principles and Standards when developing your institutional aid offers on or before the date you specify below. If your commitment is accepted, your institution will also agree to displaying that commitment on your website. Your institution's president or provost (or a designee on behalf of your president or provost) needs to submit the form. Emails will go to the person submitting the form and to the person designated as responsible for the institution's aid offer if that field is filled in below.
You may submit a PDF version of your institution's template for communicating aid offers below. (Do not submit an example of an actual aid offer communication showing personally identifiable information.) Submitted aid offer templates will be treated confidentially. While the CCT is interested in improving the communication of aid offers for all prospective and current students, we are focused on the primary aid offer that first-time, undergraduate students receive, as we are concerned with their ability to easily understand and compare their financial aid offers. The Department of Education's College Financing Plan is an accepted aid offer template; commitments will be approved for institutions who use it as their primary aid offer.
Thank you for your submission. You will receive an email to the addresses listed in the form with the results of your review in 10 business days.